About me &

SHINE. An 18-year-old girly girl who loves worships the grounds that certain rock stars walk on. 2nd yr BA Public Administration. Iska. UP Pagdumala. Music Aficionado. PA ni Ming (HAHAHA).

Archives &

  April 2005. May 2005. June 2005. August 2005. September 2005. December 2005. February 2006. March 2006. April 2006. June 2006. July 2006. August 2006. September 2006. November 2006. December 2006. January 2007. February 2007. March 2007. June 2007. September 2007.

The Vanity Begins &

Clap your way. Yeah. XD

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ming. ate cheeze. jolens. klein. FMA. multiply. Friendster. darcee. flory. neville. roy. malyn. Tagboard &

The Layout &

This layout was inspired by Frances' dancing skillz and vanity tendencies. Photos were taken by ming while Frances was dancing to Jessica Simpson's A Public Affair. It was all candid and stolen. Yuh. XD

Contact Me &

Y!M: dito_ka_na
email: dito_ka_na@yahoo.com

Credits &

Layout by camilllle
Made with Adobe Photoshop CS2 and MS Notepad
Photos taken by camilllle
Brushes by lil_brokenangel
Powered by Blogger

© 2006 Nerdox Designs

Saturday, August 26, 2006

posted by _frances @ 1:52 AM

since i have no new post, i'm just going to place some blogthings here..

Your 1950s Name is:

Regina Beverly

You Are a Auditory Learner

You tend to remember what you hear, and you have a knack for speaking well.
You excel at debating, foreign languages, and music.
You would be an excellent diplomat - or rock star!

Your 1920's Name is:

Zella Roxie

You are 87% Cancer



Monday, August 07, 2006

::my org. almost but not quite.
posted by _frances @ 10:39 PM

- UP subol society
- UP broadass
- Ex Libris UP
- UP green league
- something

all six i signed up. never really made it in anyone of them. i had motivation in joining the UP RPT, its the farthest that i went, most tiring and needs a lot of work but i was ready for it, only my mom's pocket wasn't. the first two weeks were ok. i had resources, i actually enjoyed it. my co-apps were wonderful, awesome. they were fun to be with i was welcomed and i was doing somrthing i really wanted. pero crap! here comes the financial problem. i hated it. why didn't my family have a lot of greens. i could have everything i want, buy what i liked, do what i want, join the rpt. urgh! for the first time i was serious about an org but everything conspired against it. unfair. the sport is costly not only when you are applying but all through out your stay as a member. i wish i could join. i feel ashamed now towards my batchmates, we were sure to all make it in the team. i told sir eric i wish and hope we all make it in but i was the one who couldn't make it. pucha! tang-ina! crap! i hate it! i feel ashamed i never want to show my face to any of the members ever again. i should get a new identity change my hair, my look, everything. i wish the land just swallowed me whole.

during my few days of training i learned a lot. what got me was the poem don't quit.
i'm going to write it here from memory.see if i memorized it.

When things go wrong as they sometimes will
When the road you're trudging seems all uphill
When funds are low and debts are high
When you want to smile but you have to sigh

WHen care is pressing you down a bit
Rest if you must but don't you quit.
Life is querr with its twists and turns
AS everyone of us sometimes learns

And many a fellow turns about
when he might have won had he stuck it out.
don't give up though the pace seems slow
YOu might succeed with another blow.

Often the goal is nearer than it seems
to a faint and faltering man
Often the struggler chooses to give up
when he might have won the victor's cup
And he learned too late when the nigh tcame down
HOw close he was to the golden crown

Success is failure turned inside out
the silver tint in the clouds of doubt
And you never can tell how close you are
You maybe near when it seems afar

So stick to the fight when your hardest hit
its when things seem worst that you must not quit!

i got that right didn't i?

oh well so much for it.

it's a close book for me now.

it was nice sharing a couple of memories with those people, goodbye to you all. (though you will never be able to read this.) sorry too. talo tayo sa pustahan sorry.

