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SHINE. An 18-year-old girly girl who loves worships the grounds that certain rock stars walk on. 2nd yr BA Public Administration. Iska. UP Pagdumala. Music Aficionado. PA ni Ming (HAHAHA).

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This layout was inspired by Frances' dancing skillz and vanity tendencies. Photos were taken by ming while Frances was dancing to Jessica Simpson's A Public Affair. It was all candid and stolen. Yuh. XD

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Made with Adobe Photoshop CS2 and MS Notepad
Photos taken by camilllle
Brushes by lil_brokenangel
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© 2006 Nerdox Designs

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

::shopping sa divisoria.
posted by _frances @ 6:36 PM

December 5, 2006
DV day

right now, i feel sick. urgh! i did not take a bath because i think that would cause me to really get sick tomorrow. my throat hurts, i cough like a dog and i'm still in my jimjams. that sucks. pfft.

been reading about georgia nicolson since sunday(?). i think i'm addicted to her. haha! it's quite an easy read because the book is a diary of her life. and sometimes while thinking, i'm starting to imitate how she talks.

well, about the divisoria thingy. we went after i finished my panpil class. there was no class from 1 to 4 because they elected the student regent. we had to ride the lrt and darcee was the guide. she obviously knows her way around. paakar. anyway, when we arrived, i held on tight to my bag. praning. i also smelled the stench of pee all over the place, well, that's manila for you. we went to 168 shopping center. there were lots of chinese sellers. they owned the place. after hours of walking, negotiating, walking, standing, running, walking and loooking at merchandise, darcee bought a pink skirt and a pair of green flats. flory bought a floral top and a golden brown handbag. i, on the otherhand, bought a wonderful pair of... nothing. yay me! when i was looking through things to buy, either i always had doubts of purcahsing them. i didn't want to buy drastically coz when i was a kid, i would make my mum buy me whatever i like then when we go home, that's when i realize i don't like what they bought me. haha! so there. although, i thought to myself, i should have bought the handbag with the ring and also that cute skirt. pfft. so that's what i did on my first dV trip, just walked. haha! anyway, to virgins in DV shopping, here are some tips you have to remember when you decide to go there.

1) going round every stall requires stamina so be sure to prepare for leg cramps.
2) you have to make up your mind. have a goal buy. you know like a shopping list only it's on your mind not on a paper. that way, you won't go home ending up with nothing bought like me.
3) bring friends. makes shopping and looking at cute chinese boys fun. haha!
4) be sure you ate. nothing's worst than an empty stomach.
5) bring friends that can keep up. don't bring bitchy friends, who after 10 minutes of walking decides to drag you home. (ok, i'm not bitchy and i didn't ask them to go after 10 mins. i'm just saying. i didn't do it.) haha!

well there. that's all i could think of really. anyway, i still have nothing to wear that matches the top that we bought last sunday...

i still feel sick and snivelly. eew.. or for georgia, erlack! ttfn!

So that's why you came home late last Tuesday. And it wasn't the election of the Student Regent. It was only the Convocation. Sa Friday daw yung Election so baka walang class ng 1-4 ulit.

And I become bitchy when I go to Divi. It's bloody upsetting when they don't have your size, y'know, and when your mother makes you carry the heavy stuff. =/

Ew. Di naligo! HAHAHA. XD
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